Marketing Site & product design
Research / strategy / Design Systems / marketing
The Brief:
The GDMI assessment measures an individual’s global digital mindset and serves as a framework that enables them to develop the individual attributes required to effectively address the complexities of a global digital environment. This product aims to help both businesses and individuals.
UX/UI Designer
Matthias Schricker
The Problem
The product is complex and new to the market. The brain behind the GDMI assessment is a professor from ASU who has collected a profound amount of data over the course of his long career. We need to introduce the product and it’s creator in a way thats clear and simple.
The solution
Create a simple and skimmable brochure site, that uses clear headlines to explain the product, how it works and how it would benefit the user. See below for my strategy on creating the landing page.
We created 8 screens for this brochure site. Here are a few others that are designed to give the user more information about the product and establish impact.
Additional screens
We designed the results pages to visualize the data results for the user in a way thats easy to digest. We used color theory to assign a color to each category in order to visually separate them. See some examples below: